Sunday, May 2, 2010

long ride.

Today we did our long ride. The weather was beautiful, but seemed windy throughout the entire ride. We went down highway 94, pass New Town, and through all these country farmland roads. It was beautiful. I felt better today overall, but still some "issues". My right hand was going tingly the first half of the ride--I just shifted my weight and changed my grip around--seemed to help. My seat is still a bit uncomfortable after about 45 minutes. Again, I rotated my hips forward (anterior pelivc tilted)...not sure if I'm suppose to, but it gets the pressure off my "sit bones", which the seat seems to have zero give. I need to do some research on how I should be sitting on my saddle. I really wish that I had a girl to ride with. Jesse is kind enough to ride the first 10 minutes or so with me to get me to the route and through traffic, but he's just so much faster than I...we can't ride together.
I rode right at 40 miles in 2 hours and 30 minutes. Very minimal hills, but I was pretty happy with that.

I'm sure glad that the two german shepherds that were chasing me on Silveres Road didn't bite me.

Lifting and core workout tomorrow. I want to start a Pilates class...not sure where to go and don't want to spend a ton of money, but I think it'd be awesome for me.

Back to studying for my ART (Active Release Technique) course...I want to be so good at this technique...I really believe in it! There's so much to do in the next 11 days until I go to Dallas for the course.

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